Friday 12 December 2008

Tic Tacs and Mocolate

If your wondering about the background, its called tic tac, I like tic tacs, so I thought I might as well use that one

As for Mocolate, well what do you think of when asked for a food beginning with M?
I was eating chocolate (in chemistry where your not supposed to eat, ah well), and I watch far too much Friends, so Mocolate was the obvious answer.

As you can probably tell from that story I've had a pretty ordinary day.
I'm now in one of those moods where I'm incredibly bored and likely to offend/annoy, ask my mate who I managed to offend quite badly as she got off the bus. Worse thing is I have to make some appology and at the moment I just can't face up to doing that, what is happening to me?
Of course if I don't appologize this is going to come back and bite me in the ass one day, soon, quite possibly tomorrow.

But that's just life.

In the meantime I'm watching junk on TV, blogging away and just hoping something comes along to brighten my day.

Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

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