Thursday 11 December 2008

And so it begins

First of all I'ld like to point out I'm only writing a blog for the sake of something to do
It'll probably die out within a few weeks if not a few days
I don't claim to be any good at writing
And I doubt anyone will ever read this
but here goes

The World according to Robbie:
Its mainly about Robbie to be honest but then no one blogs to write about other people.
Life is the most amazing thing ever and as things go mine ain't bad at all
I'm at a good college (2nd best in the country!)
I have a beautiful girlfriend (best in the country :p)
I have good mates
I'm part of a inspiring church
I still have so much free time that I bothered writing a blog
Best of all I'm 16 and can't wait for the rest of life to come and smack me full on in the face

I guess you can tell alot about me from the order they go in
I'm a bit of a nerd if I'm honest and I'm totally crazy about Hannah, everything else can take care of itself as far as I'm concerned.

And so it begins

1 comment:

  1. Was this meant to be humourous? I was giggling all the way through... haha, oh dear!

    nahh, tis good Robbie dear. I'm not laughing at you, merely with you. Honest...
