Monday 15 December 2008

Crash and Burn (brackets)

It's been one of those days. On the bus I stuck my headphones in and revised biology to avoid having to talk to people... Good decision I may have killed someone otherwise, and the biology revision was actually quite sucessful.

Got to college and only a couple of my mates were around, which was probably a good thing. Loud noises that early in the morning would not have helped.
The rest of the morning was fairly normal, apart from a stronger than usual urge to kill Rob, my physics teacher (I say stronger than usual because its there almost every physics lesson, even though I quite like physics, its weird).

Anyway at lunch I was playing with the Jazz band at Winbalm (Winstanley Bands and Live Music (I think)) which was always going to be interesting. In the end it kinda crashed and burned. Hardly anyone was there and, in the end, that was probably a good thing. The first piece was hmm how to put this, well Paul called it a trainwreck as soon as we finished and that pretty much summed it up. It got slightly better for the next 2 pieces, but not much.

I have Monday afternoons off so I crashed in the library with a mixture of facebook, music, Emma and finishing off this mornings epic blog. The journey home was spent talking to James about music then politics, (can't believe I'm back to talking about politics but oh well).

When I got home I put on a big warm hoodie and grabbed a blanket, and talked to some people on msn, probably not a good idea in the mood I'm in but for now that's their problem (I sound really evil) and well that's how I'm going to stay for most the evening I imagine.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't even hear him calling it a trainwreck. I think I was too busy laughing.
