Tuesday 16 December 2008

10 Questions

Is it bad that I'm excited about another evening sat at home... doing absolutely nothing? :)
What is so controversial about what someone has got me for Christmas that everybody else is talking about it?
What is the answer to life the universe and everything? (if its not 42)
Should I eat the Hula Hoops sat on my desk now or later?
Since when did I become the evil one at college?
Why did I decide to read Twilight?
Is there anything decent on TV on Tuesdays?
When did I become one of the confident people?
Why do blogs always seem to have cheesey titles?
Why do I always forget what I was gonna put as the last question?


  1. 10 answers:

    1) it's better that you're excited than depressed/grumpy
    2) no idea bout wot they've got u..but can guess hu got it :P
    3) The answer to life etc. = God
    4) You should eat them now or they'll get stale
    5) you've always been the evil one..it's only now that you've realised it!
    7) there's probs scrubs?!! or your cat..if you had one....
    8) you've always been confident. but it's shown more recently cos more ppl are relying on you and see how sensible you are.
    9) blogs have cheesy titles cos no1 no's wot to put to summarise how they feel
    10) you forget what to put because your synapses haven't connected properly.

    does tht help at all?!

  2. No. I'd love to do that.
    I have no clue. I SO need to find out!
    Now (though this comments means it's prolly later for you)
    You ARE evil, dear. Face facts. Evil in a nice way, obviously, or you'd have no friends... oh, wait... ;)
    Because you're interested in making geeky comparisons between the book and the film (and, as an English geek, I so don't do that! Cept might I add they KILLED Narnia and murdered Northern Lights, which is the Northern Lights NOT the Golden compass. Gargh!)
    Last Tuesday? Does confidence come with evilness?
    It hooks people in. Tis good see.
    You're retarded. Clearly.

    I don't care if they were rhetorical. This is my story and I'm sticking to it. (=

  3. your first comment was so much nicer than mine, and make more sense. Mine sound harsh in comparison D:
