Sunday 14 December 2008

And all that jazz

Yesterday was one of the strangest days in a long time.
Yesterday was fricken mental

We won at hockey, thats a rare event in itself.
2-1 and one of the opponents got sent off after he through his stick at the fence and started arguing with one of our players, I think I did alright at calming our player down.

Then we went out for a meal at Nando's in Southport, the food was nice and it was good fun hanging with my mates. We went back to my mates house afterwards and got a bit hyper off cheapo version of red bull. All the girls who went were stayin over and the other lads went off to their mates house to drink beer and watch the x-factor, so I ended up walking home alone, something I do a lot so I wasn't too worried.

But instead of taking me half and hour it took me an hour and a half:

"Hey do you have a phone with credit that I can borrow please? My boyfriends left me and I'm not from around here." The girl begged.

"I guess so," I replied handing over my phone.

The girl punched in a number and held the phone to her ear. "Crap! It's turned off, do you mind if I walk with you for a bit."

I wasn't about to leave a girl stranded in the middle of a place she didn't know, I've been in a similar situation so I was quite sympathetic.
So we started walking, me still heading home since I was supposed to be home within the next half hour.
Turns out her name was Jazz (hence the cheesy title) and she was from fazakerly. Although she was quite sober by that point she couldn't really remember much about why her boyfriend had walked off without her, or why she had decided to get off the last train, instead of going home.

Eventually after about 10 minutes it turned out that I knew her best mate, Craig, as he'ld been at Merchants with me. I made a phone call to a mate and got Craig's number, however his phone wasn't working so I could only text, not call him.

Jazz tried ringing some other numbers but all her mates were too drunk to help. By this point it was 12:20 and we were sat at the end of my road. I'ld given up on making it home by 12:30 and decided I would just have to explain to my parents.

Eventually Craig rang back and agreed to pay for a taxi if Jazz got one to his house, so we rang for a taxi and after about 4 attempts they finally picked up and said the taxi would be 20 minutes. They were idiots though, when we said the end of Ryder Crescent they asked which end. It goes round in a circle, there is only one way in and out.

Half an hour later, still no taxi despite what seemed like hundreds going past. So Jazz started ringing every taxi number she saw go past. There must have been about four on their way when the one we ordered originally finally turned up. Jazz got in the taxi and that was pretty much the end of my night.

I managed to sneak in without waking my parents... so no questions have been asked yet, and ignored the calls off the taxi firms, presumably asking why there was no one there.

That has honestly got to be the weirdest thing to happen to me since the summer. And it really is a very small world, a girl from Fazakerly who got lost in Aughton and randomly chose me to talk to, ended up being the best mate of someone I went to high school with... quite weird in my opinion.

As for today, well I'm about to head round to my mates house as her parents are out for the afternoon, so that should be fun, and hopefully I'll have more to talk about later.

I'm impressed if you have bothered to read all this.

1 comment:

  1. I have to say, that girl is prolly vair lucky to have bumped into you and not the other kind of guy hanging round at that time of night.

    That reminded me of the time I was doing the duke of edinburgh with Megan (idk if you know Megan, she goes to college) and, in the middle of nowhere at the lake district, we bumped into someone that had been her watersports instructor in greece. so odd...
