Saturday 27 December 2008


Well its been a good couple of days.

Christmas was fantastic, obviously. I did my usual xmas morning trick of waking up about 6 and not being able to get back to sleep. I'm such a kid :P. It was worth it though... I got guitar hero :), and a new computer :D. Its fantastic it takes literally seconds to start up compared to the five minutes on the old one and it can play awesome games like Medieval 2:Total War (which I also got by the way). So that was pretty cool.

I've spent most of today playing with my new computer, installing all the necessary programmes: msn, iTunes, etc. and taking over the medieval world. Oh funny story from yesterday, quite embarressing I must admit but oh well:

So I've got my new computer and I manage to plug it in turn it on alright (I'm boss at computers me :P) then after making back-up DVDs etc. I try and connect it to the internet. First of all the wireless thing won't work, so then I try good old fashioned cables. So I plug the first cable in, try again (repeatedly) and nothing happens. Not sure what the problem is at the moment, keeps coming up with an error message about service name. After about half an hour of playing around with that I try a different cable, still nothing.
Meanwhile, my mum was doing her usual family phone call and happened to have my uncle on the phone, who works with computers. So she puts me on the phone to try and sort it all out. He starts telling me stuff to do (Vista doesnt have an obvious link to Run... which is really quite stupid but oh well), while hes thinking it through and trying stuff on his computer and start clicking a few buttons that I hadn't noticed before and doing other little bits, one of which was pushing the cable firmly into both sockets... and voila. It starts working. I explain rather embarressed to my uncle that the cable wasn't in properly then wish him a Merry Christmas and quickly pass the phone back to my mum.

So that was rather embarressing but it could have been worse... somehow. Anyway I've forgetten what my point was so the basics are: Computer is amazing, as is guitar hero, and Merry Christmas everybody (even if it is a bit late)

Oh yeah forgot to mention: my computer has 4 processors, 4!!!! Thats more than the rest of the PCs in my house put together. So its awesomely quick :D.

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