Tuesday 23 December 2008

Its probably my own fault but...

I hate people sometimes

This morning I only went to bed at 5am... probably not a good idea but I wasnt expecting to do anything the next day before noon so I thought I'ld survive.

Instead I got woken up at 9. Who on earth is up at that time?!? First of all its a call of my mum to check my sister has actually gone to work... shes 18 you would have thought she could look after herself by now, apparently not. So I climb out of bed and go look into my sisters room. The smell as I enter the room is horrendous! The alcohol she was drinking last night obviously didnt agree with her, it stinks of stale sick. Anyway I manage to look in, almost throwing up myself, and she wasnt there so I tell my mum that she has gone before going back to bed.

Then I have to let the guy decorating the bathroom in. I do that then crawl back to bed, only to have to fetch an extension cable for him, not really a big problem normally but I was absolutely dead. So I nick the extension cable that the christmas tree lights were plugged into and once again drag myself back into bed. Only to find out that the extension cable was to plug his drill into... and my bedroom is next to the bathroom.

After 10 minutes all goes quiet again and I slip back to sleep. Of course today would be the day he's finishing so about 20 minutes later I'm woken up again to let him out the house and lock the door behind him. So finally I think I can safely get a couple of hours sleep, but apparently it wasnt my day, as one of my sister's mates ring to ask if she's there. I explain, as politely as I possibly could in the state I was in, that she was at work and then hang up.

Eventually I get back into bed and set my alarm for a couple of hours time. I woke up about 4 hours later after my alarm failed to wake me, many many times.

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