Friday 6 February 2009

Is it my imagination…

Or have I finally found something worth living for? (Gotta love Oasis lyrics)

It’s going good, life that is:

I’ve been going out with Maura for 4 weeks (as she pointed out today… I had to then explain the difference between four weeks and a month but oh well :P (she’s probably going to kill me for putting that on here so shhh)) and it’s been fantastic, days at college just seem to fly by now.

My mates are good as always, Trafford Centre last weekend was great fun as I mentioned, as well as playing in the snow this week and plans for half-term sound like they’re going to be good as well. Got my old crew coming round this evening as well which should be good; Poker and sweets, what could be better?

College is going well also: Maths is challenging but actually interesting at last; Chemistry is… well its Chemistry, need I say more? (For those who don’t know I’m a total Chemistry nerd); We’re playing with electricity in Physics; and I don’t hate the Biology we’re doing at the moment, which is a good sign.

In terms of family, things are quite different now my sister’s gone to South America, I’m kind of an only child now. I don’t mind it though, I can sit at home now and know that I’m not going to be bothered by her asking me to do favour (I was checking that I spelt that right and this came up: so I can actually relax now.

So all life is good, I don’t really want anything to change, and Half-Term… should be fantastic.


  1. I'll kill you for making me look like an idiot! It's not an easy distinction to make, especially when four weeks has ALWAYS made up a month according to all sources.

    haha, Robbie! You pretentious bastard! (twas most likely written by a yank so what do they know?) =P

  2. glad everything is going well for you n tht life your end is great. :)
    ...probs gd job tht we hvnt tlkd - id probs end up ruining everything :(
    neway. hopefully speak to you soon - when you have time...

  3. aww. u gave M a rose. you're a softy at heart rn't u?
    sorry if ive been a bit mad recently jst ye. lots of stuff going on n all been a bit crazy. so ye..sorry.
    enjoy your 4week aniversary. x

  4. How 4 weeks has turned in to like 4 months!! And still going strong :) woop.
