Wednesday 25 February 2009


I'm in such a good mood, I think my mouth is starting to hurt from smiling.

It started this morning, waking up at 12 minutes past 9, knowing that other people would already be sat in lessons, it was such a good feeling.
And it just kept getting better. Turn on my speakers and this comes on:
My smile just started growing. There may have been something in my bowl of Crunchy Nut as well, I’m not sure.

The reason I got up 2 hours later than usual was that I was getting a lift in with James, so shortly after ten he turns up. I grab my bag and run out the door. 30 minutes and several great tunes later we arrive at college.

Not only did I have first lesson off but biology, my second lesson, was cancelled. So I was sat with the others in the canteen, distracting Kirsty from her maths work, while flicking through my folder.

I can’t remember how we started annoying each other but I remember from the point when I flicked her with my ruler. She flicked me back and kept the ruler. In retaliation I stole her pencil and rubber. She then started grabbing bits of my biology work and hiding them down her sleeve.

I eventually tickled her until she gave me my stuff back, but my biology was screwed up beyond any use. This wasn’t fair so I started picking apart her rubber and throwing it at her. This continued for a while her screwing up successive pieces of my work and me destroying her rubber.

My true revenge came when she suddenly realised she had missed the start of her lesson and it was now too late to go. 1-0.

Eventually we apologised and the whole thing reminded me of primary school arguments, it was quite fun.

Anyway after that little incident I went off to Chemistry and for some reason I was in a real chemistry mood. I was sharp and awake and just took everything in my stride, unable to stop asking questions.

Even D of E training at lunch, followed by an hour and a half of maths couldn’t dampen my mood. Anyway it’s now time for me to go out. I hope my mood is contagious.

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