Tuesday 10 February 2009

Ok so...

I would blog about how boring my day has been but, ironically, I gave that impression yesterday despite how good a day it was.
So instead I am going to write about something else... I've just got to think what.

I think I've got it.
How many places have you been?
I'm talking abroad here, over atleast one ocean; so England, Wales and Scotland don't count. Well not if you live in Great Britain.

10, I think, 10 countries I've visited.
That's not bad considering I'm only 16.

It's weird though:
By Easter I'll have been to every continent;
I've seen the wonderful Autumn colours of New Hampshire, the stunning Skyline of Manhatten, the enormous Rollercoasters of Florida, the Great Wall of China, the beauty of Paris from the Eiffel Tower, the gracefulness of Cape Town from Table Mountain and the awe-inspiring Copper Canyon in Mexico;
I've been swimming with dolphins, Paragliding in Switzerland, Parasailing in the Florida Keys, Snorkelling on the Great Barrier Reef, Skiing in the French and Austrian Alps, and Sailing in the Mediterranean;

But somehow holidays in the UK have been just as good. Venture camps at Windermere when I was in my early teens were fantastic, going to Hoylake when I was even younger was great fun, and in the last couple of years Min-Y-Don and Soul Survivor were amazing.

Anyway I was thinking about this because I was trying to choose my favourite holiday, but I honestly couldn't tell you. From the Lake District to Sydney, I've had so many good ones.

There's been a few great ones: the first year at Windermere, Orlando when I was 8, Mexico and Australia, and Menorca has got to be in there even if not for one particular year. But I have no chance of picking a favourite.

Maybe one day I will, if so I can't wait.

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