Thursday 12 February 2009

Heads or Tails

Ok so I thought of a title before I’d actually thought of anything to blog about, but it got me thinking about a conversation I’d had earlier in the day. It’s amazing how some things work out against the odds, well most things work out against the odds.

On the basic level there’s the whole life on Earth, one in a million chance (well one in 10 to the power of 282 according to some website I found), that’s pretty improbably in itself. It goes further, the actual probability that I would be born will be infinitely smaller than that, given the exact pairings that had to get together during the existence of life for me to have my exact genetic make-up. You get my point I exist against all odds.

But given that I am here, on earth, born on 15th July 1992, why is my life the way it is? The number of choices I’ve made along the way, it’s quite weird that it’s ended up the way it has, and this brings me back to the conversation I had earlier, sort of.

It was with my girlfriend, Maura, saying how if we hadn’t spent so long talking on MSN we might not even be going out yet. It would have been quite different if we'd only been able to speak to each other when there were people around, so I of course thought about this further and pieced together all the little things, that I remember, that had to happen so things ended up the way they are. I’m not saying if they hadn’t all happened we wouldn’t be together, but it wouldn’t have worked out in the same way it did.

So what’s my point? I’m just thankful, I guess, that things worked out the way they did, that all the little pieces fell into place for me to exist, and for my life to be the way it is. It wasn’t perfect, it still isn’t (my main complaint is that Maura lives miles away), but it’s good enough. More than that, it’s amazing. So thank you fate/God/chance, I owe you one.


  1. hahahaha wat a bunch of sentimental bollocks. luv you. P.S it could be argued that it was far from improbable that you exist, infact inevitable. but i cba philosophical ranting.
