Tuesday 17 February 2009


1) The meaning of Life, the Universe and Everything.
2) Full days I've been going out with Maura.
3) six times 7 (nine times six for special people)
4) Minutes past 7 that it is currently
(Okay I got bored of that so it's just random sentances from now on)
5) "The rule is perfect: in all matters of opinion our adversaries are insane." Mark Twain
6) Have you ever wondered?
7) Those who are dead are not dead, they're just living in my head (Coldplay - 42)
8) I think I must be quite sadistic, I just laughed all the way through Fight Club.
9) It's now half 11 and I'm realising this is gonna take a while.
10) This evening I realised I haven't been home alone for more than 2 hours since the Christmas holidays.
11) It's quite ridiculous, we live in this beautiful world, and yet no one ever lives long enough to see it all. What a shame.
12) "Forget but not forgive," and now I've really got to stop quoting Coldplay.
13) There are times when I wish I could just be one of those people who just lived their life and never wondered on what it all means or what they're missing out on. Surely it would be so much easier to lay back and appreciate it.
14) Ok sorry if this is starting to drag, I'm only up to number 14 and I'm fairly sure that I'm just repeating myself but rephrasing it each time.
15) What's the most beautiful thing in the world? Words on a page, a painting, maybe music, a sunrise, a still valley, a violent storm, so many possibilities.
16) Weird things, they're not normal. But who decides they're not?
17) I think that's enough questions I really should move onto something better, but I only seem to have questions.
18) "Are you an optimist?"
"I hope so."
19) Bill Bailey has got to be one of the greatest comedians of all time.
20) Watch the Marx brothers, it's pure genius from start to finish.
21) Woooah we're half way there.... you know the rest.
22) People must waste so much time sleeping, how cool would it be if we didn't have to.
23) Actually to be fair people waste enough time when they're awake as it is, we probably wouldn't put the extra hours to good use.
24) Speaking of sleep I could really do with some, I didn't get all that much last night and it's starting to get late.
25) I can't stop trying to work out what makes a person good/bad, I guess the problem is that the bad people just don't care what others think of them. (Bad makes it sound like I'm in primary school but oh well)
26) This positive/negative thing has got me hooked now. We seem to apply it to everything from the ground we stand on to every little thing inside us. The thing is it's never that simple, I guess it's just easier to look at it as black and white, it's either good or it's bad, all along one clear grey-scale.
27) Wow my ramblings have really started to become non-sensical.
28) There's something satisfying about being up past midnight, it's like you're making 2 days out of one.
29) I think there's a reason I normally keep these thoughts inside my head. I'm not crazy, honest, just different.
30) Polarization, 'tis well fun.
31) I want to live abroad at some point in my life, at least for a few years, who knows I may never come back.
32) Why is everything so temporary? Even life itself, nothing seems to last.
33) 7 deadly sins: Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy and last, but no means least, Pride.
34) "Now three things remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love."
35) Trust: Hard to form, easy to break.
36) Everything dies, but first everything lives.
37) Simplicity is beautiful.
38) Sarcasm really is the lowest form of wit, but it's still a form.
39) I always thought there was something strange about the association of love with the heart rather than the brain, but it still seems to fit better.
40) So many questions, so little time.
41) Life is just amazing.
42) 00:23, bedtime. Goodnight, and thanks for all the fish.

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