Tuesday 24 February 2009


I miss being a little kid.
Life was simple back then:
No A-levels to worry about, ok I still don't really worry but college work takes up much more of my time now;
Girls had cooties, made life so much simpler, and well I didn't know what I was missing out on so I didn't care;
Making friends simply involved saying "Will you be my friend?" and there was never any complicated issues;
And Disney films were just plain amazing.

What brought this on?
Last night I watched WALL·E. It felt so good.
Sat in front of the TV, big duvet wrapped around me, watching Disney. It reminded me of the good old days when I really appreciated the wonder that is Toy Story, that was my favourite film for so many years, along with The Fox and the Hound. Damn, I miss them.

Ah well that's life, my bodies gotten older, and I've had to grow up with it. If only time was reversible, you could really appreciate life then.

Well that's life, and there are many many perks to being older I must admit but still, would be nice to be ickle again, just for a while.

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