Tuesday 3 March 2009


It's amazing how much you feel gravity as water drains away from a bath you've been lying in for the past hour.
For the reason I'd been lying in a bath. and for the reason why gravity was causing me pain you have to go back 2 hours.

1 hour and 59 minutes earlier (9:31PM)
I managed to get up and move over to the edge of the pitch before deciding that the floor was the best placed to be, looking back on it I was impressed I got that far. Cries of "Are you okay?" came from the rest of the team, stood on the 25 yard line.
"Yeah I just need a few minutes." My first answer sounded quite strong.
"You sure?"
"Ye..." My voice came out much weaker and higher pitched than I expected. "Yes, just let me lie here for a bit." I reinforced more convincingly.

So the other keeper went back in goal and they continued with the drill for a bit while I stared up past the floodlights. I kept switching from lying on my side, and suffering the physical discomfort that brought me, to lying on my back, and feeling like I was going to throw up. At the edge of my vision I could see absolute darkness with the odd patch of flashing lights. I couldn't help but wonder if I was going to pass out.

About 10 minutes later, long after the rest of the team had gone for a warm-down, I managed to stand up and stumble over to the fence, where I stood anticipating the taste of vomit that I could feel coming. It never came.

Eventually I started to take off my pads, throwing them in the general direction of my bag. I saw my Dad's car pull up into the car park and so, gradually, packed them away and zipped the bag up. I pulled the bag over to the car where my Dad through it into the boot for me.

"Are you okay?" He asked.
I explained the situation to him and he suggested a warm bath when I got home. Slowly he drove off, the speed-bumps in the driveway causing me great discomfort. 25 minutes later I arrived home and managed to get myself a drink before running a warm bath, with bubbles, that I collapsed into. For the first time in about an hour I felt comfortable, getting out was going to be interesting though.

I almost forgot:
I lined up to take on the first of the one-on-one. Boothy dribbled towards the top of the area. As he lifted his stick up to shoot I dived across, covering the goal.

Crack! He connected well with it. For a moment I saw the ball hurtling towards me.

Smack! It caught me right in the box.

That one was going to hurt.


  1. :S
    hope you're ok...

  2. I shouldn't be laughing.
    And I am.
    this is going to cause me endless amusement forever and ever. (:
