Thursday 29 January 2009

Everybody… Needs Somebody

2nd show out of 2 tonight. It was fantastic! Annoyed Kirsty once again, this time by dragging her up on stage at the end with everybody else to dance to the last song, great fun.

It’s been an amazing few days, and tomorrow could be even better, I love life :D.

Wednesday 28 January 2009

Jazz Rocks

At Winstanley I play Tenor sax in Jazz band (for those who didn't know) and tonight we had the first of two performances this week. It rocked.

Started off with an emergency rehersal 3 hours before the concert to restore everybody's convidence after the dress rehersal yesterday went a bit pear-shaped. The rehersal went well and was very entertaining:
"That was a bit Sociology!"
No idea what that means exactly but I could tell from the way Paul (our conductor) said it that it wasn't a good thing, but he seemed pleased second time round. (There's many more fantastic quotes that escape my memory at the moment.)

After rehersal I got a chicken burger and chips from the chippie down the road (delicious) and then me and Maura disappeared off the face of the earth for an hour or so, which is always good.

When it finally got to concert time I was pumped up and ready to go, although the nerves were starting to creep in. Fortunately at the last minute Martin, the other Tenor, finally decided to show up which gave my confidence a boost. We did our usual set of 3 songs. It ran smoothly, for a change, and was really really good fun. I then got to sit and watch the rest of the show with Kirsty and Chris. Me and Chris tried to deafen Kirsty with our clapping, Chris was better at it than me but Kirsty was complaining that her ears hurted so I was happy (yes I'm evil I know :p).

The show ended about 20 past 9, which was far too soon as far as I was concerned, but tomorrow we get to do it all again. I can't wait.

Monday 26 January 2009

No Woman, No cry

I remember when we used to sit…

It’s odd looking back on life, the longer ago things happened the more polished the events seem to be. I always seem to remember the most random moments and I always enjoy looking back on how I’ve changed since then, I think that’s a good sign.

Observing the hypocrites as they would meet…

I think everybody is a hypocrite at times, it’s something I try to avoid, but it’s really quite hard to as no one has perfect control of how they act and what they say, it seems odd that but it’s true.

Good friends we have, good friends we lost along the way…

I have one friend I miss the most. My best mate all the way through Primary School, I’ve never had such a close mate since, well not for as long anyway. I’ve had other good mates that I’ve lost and I miss, but I have good friends now so I don’t tend to look back all that much.

In this great future, you can't forget your past;

You can do a pretty good job of it though, I think I’ve managed to prove that at times. I’ve no real reason to, my past is what it is, my past, it doesn’t define me, it doesn’t make me who I am, I guess I just don’t like looking back on some parts of it, from times when I was a very different person to who I am now.

No, woman, no cry;
No, woman, no cry.
ere, little darling, don’t shed no tears:
No, woman, no cry.

I never get why girls cry quite so much compared to lads, I guess it’s just a different way of dealing with situations, still strange how different lads and girls are though. I ain’t complaining mind you, it makes life more interesting, unpredictable.

And then Georgie would make the fire light
As it was logwood burning through the night

I love real wood fires, they have a certain quality that a radiator lacks and the smell is wonderful. Its been ages since I was sat around an open campfire, but Maura has a wood-burning stove at her house that kinda makes up for it.

Then we would cook cornmeal porridge,
Of which bits I'll share with you;

Love porridge, its fantastic, especially on those cold, winter mornings when you’ve dragged yourself out of bed its some concellation to have a nice steaming hot bowl of porridge. And well I’ve never been too keen on sharing food but I guess I’ll make exceptions to that for certain people.

Everything's gonna be all right!

I really feel like it is, =)

Sunday 25 January 2009

Never an honest word...

I'm tired, it's been a long (and amazing) week, but I still need to do all my homework and some clarinet practice... oops.

But yeah, I'm about to go out to MAD and won't be home until about 10:30, which is bit too late to start doing homework, so I'm thinking it's going to be another fun bus journey.

3 hours later:

I got a bit distracted earlier. It's now almost 11pm and I've only just got in. So I'm going to bed before my parents get annoyed. The rest of what I was planing to write, and my biology, will have to wait until morning

Monday 19 January 2009

I cant stop smiling

One word:


My weekend kinda sucked.

Starts off Friday night, I was tired and hungry and waiting for chinese take-away. Eventually after an hour or so of hinting at my mum she finally agrees to order. So I get the menu, go ask my dad if he's feeling well enough to eat, he is, and then my sister interupts.

How is it that siblings have this amazing ability to do exactly what would annoy you the most at any given moment?

So she naturally slows the whole thing down.

"Hey Kat, What do you want from the Chinese?"
"What are we ordering now?"
"Yes, hence the menu."
"Have you talked to mum?"
"Yes, she gave me the menu"
"Where is she?"
"She's talking to Pete in the kitchen."
"Go get her."
"Why? She's busy can't we just order."
"Just go get her"
"No, just tell me what you want and I'll order."
"But it's MY meal, I need to talk to mum."
"Why the hell do you need to talk to mum?"
"Cause I want to order starters and stuff."
"Well tell me what you want and I'll order it."
"I want to talk to mum."
I gave up and went and sat back down on the computer.
10 minutes later:
"Robbie, What do you want to order?"
"Finally, can I have a look at the menu?"
"No we're sharing what would you like?"
"Can't I pick what I want?"
I look at the menu and pick some random chicken dish.
"Actually I don't want you at MY meal if you're being stroppy, you can cook yourself something."
"Fine I'll cook myself some pasta."
I go boil the kettle then pour myself a cup of hot ribena so as to not waste the energy.
"Robbie you can eat with us just stop being so stroppy."
"How was I being stroppy?"
"Why did you boil the kettle just now then?" She walks off.
"I wanted some hot ribena." (To the closed door)

Eventually I got my chinese and it was very nice but that wasn't the end of my sister's last run of annoyance.
Saturday we went to watch Australia, on her demand, it was honestly the most boring film in existance. Then Sunday lunch, our last meal together, she spends most of it accusing me of being snobby and generally being in a really bad mood.

So I know I should miss her and all, but honestly I am slightly glad she's gone.

Thursday 15 January 2009

I’ve had such a good day :D

Yesterday’s Biology disaster already seems like a distant memory.

It was just one of those days where everything seemed to run smoothly and anything that didn’t just seemed so manageable.

First of all my lessons today just didn’t seem to exist. Both physics and biology were experiments which makes the lessons go so much quicker :). Add in a half chemistry lesson and a free and its a good day of lessons.

Secondly I got thanked even though I didn’t do anything, which is always good, and well other stuff that’s not going up here… yet.

Thirdly (and finally) my room is finally starting to change :D. After months years of asking to get it redone its finally happening:

Image of ex-cupboard

Image of Angellic glow from new lights

I’m actually getting quite excited about it now… its gonna look awesome.

There’s probably other things that helped my day be so awesome but they’re the biggies well the biggies that I can put on here

Wednesday 14 January 2009


Today kinda sucked.

Well it didn't really most the day was good, fantastic even, but then my biology exam arrived.
Now most the time exams don't bother me that much, and when I say that much I mean at all.
But today, I don't know what happened, I opened the paper and it was just infuriating. I knew the answers I just couldn't think of them at the time. It wasn't nerves or anything I just forgot.

You're probably sat there thinking sheesh moaning about exams how unoriginal but this kind of stuff just doesn't happen to me. Exams are my thing! Anyway, it's over, it's done with, I don't have to worry about it for 2 more months. Doesn't stop me being annoyed though.

Anyway, in other news, my sister's boyfriend has just gone back to Ireland after spending a week staying with us and my sister is off to Peru on Monday. With my bro back at Uni it's going to be strange being the only child again, this time for 3 months instead of 1, but the advantage is I get my new computer and the xbox all to myself :P. Hockey season resumes this Saturday, I'm playin 2nds :D. Should be good fun.

I wanna put something sooo much more interesting up here, but I think its gonna have to wait... maybe at the weekend.

Monday 12 January 2009

Rain :(

It sucks when people give you a hard time, even if you do deserve it.

Its all worth it though.


Anyway last night I got caught in the rain for the first time in ages, I mean proper heavy rain, my coat still isn't dry. But yeah it got me thinking about how stuff has changed. Its odd since September more has changed over these 4 months than did over 4 years before hand. My life is so different at college, and it doesn’t stop changing.

Just in a month’s time the room where I spend a third of my life will look totally different and I imagine a lot of other stuff besides that will have changed.

Maybe I’ll look back then and tell you what’s different.

Saturday 10 January 2009

There’s so many stories

But so little that I can say.

So instead: 


This is what happens when I get bored :p

(I just downloaded new version of messenger and it had this blogging application attached so you may see some weird stuff as I play around with it… but its well good :D)

Thursday 8 January 2009

Life is...

I mean absolutely, fantastically, and above all else ironically, hilarious. Just at times when I look back on certain times I can't help but giggle (even if I look like an absolute weirdo cause I'm sat in the middle of an exam hall).

It doesn't often seem it at the time but looking back whatever is in control (if anything) has a wonderful sense of irony as far as I can tell.

Just thought I'ld share that with you.

Tuesday 6 January 2009


Amazing how much difference a day can make.

Has been a kind of strange day but a good one. College ran much smoother today, I've suddenly remembered why my day seemed such shorter, maybe that's not such a good thing (just for those that are wondering I missed 2 half lessons as I revise better outside the classroom (those lessons are actually pointless) but I kinda got a bit distracted both times, once was more my own fault than the other time).

But anyway it was a good day, I enjoyed it, and now I have a big smile on my face :D (like that). I'm also kinda relieved as I just found out I don't have hockey this Saturday so I will have some time to relax.

But yeah life is good, bring on the exams!

Monday 5 January 2009

Erm so yeah

Interesting stuff (not about me):

There was this girl that 2 lads liked. Another lad, who said he didn't like her, found this out and then, I'm sure this is unconnected to the other lads liking her, asked her out. She said yes and they're now going out, which I find kind of hilarious.

Different girl has asked out probably 4 lads since September, one finally said yes at some point over christmas.

Another person is gutted that their old group of mates have drifted away since they started college, I'm guessing they're one of many feeling that way, and is determined to bring them back together.

2 lads, one plays guitar and one raps but wasn't fantastic at making up lyrics, joined together and started writing songs. They added a bassist and a drummer and now are becoming moderately famous, I'm still not a big fan of their music but will support them as it'll be cool to know someone famous.

One lad who was dreading turning seventeen for a reason that I still have no idea about now seems to have accepted it and he can't wait to learn to drive.

Someone once fell in love at the seaside and now wants to take his girlfriend back to the seaside, and for some reason won't shut up about the frickin seaside.

There was once a person who had dreams to travel the world and live abroad. They went on a world tour then came back home and settled for a low pay job but they say they enjoy it so who are we to judge them.

Do you believe in love at first sight? I personally don't believe in love at first sight but first impressions can make a massive difference, as can the smallest details, you probably won't even notice them but someone else might and to them it can mean everything.

Life is what you make out of the chances you are given. The chances you are given depends on how you take earlier ones. That being true the earlier choices have a bigger impact than the later ones, so why wait?

This has been a fun set of random ramblings, I didn't want to talk about my thoughts on whats happening so these stories and abstract thoughts will do instead.

Oh yeah forgot to mention... no guessing who the people are.

Sunday 4 January 2009

Sorry I didn't blog yesterday but...

I got beaten at Wii boxing by my little cousin, Abigail. (I saw little she's only a year younger than me and it was her Wii but still beaten by a girl!!!) So yeah I had curled up in a corner to cry instead of coming on here.

That may not be the real reason I didnt blog but its more interesting than it was late by the time we got home and my mum wouldn't let me use the laptop.

But yeah yesterday was certainly the most interesting day so far this year, thats not saying much mind you. I climbed Arthur's seat, and saw an amazing view over Edinburgh then we went and had an all you can eat Chinese buffet and I ate 7 courses, not a lot I know but more than enough to get my money's worth.

Afterwards we went back to my cousins house and had hours of fun playing on the Wii :), I kicked ass at snowboarding and it was hilarious watching my cousin "hula-hooping", I was gutted when we had to leave.

In the car on the way home my mind just kinda went crazy. I'ld finished reading my book (Prisoner of Birth by Jeffrey Archer, great book, loved it) so I was listening to my iPod and trying to get to sleep, never gonna happen I don't often sleep unless I'm in bed, and I started thinking about things.

But instead of it being the usual thoughts about what I'm gonna do in the near future (thought about that a lot recently it got sort of repetative) I was just thinking about random things. And yeah it was kind of crazy. Then I started thinking about what I was gonna put in my blog, then thinking about writing about how I was thinking what I was going to write. It got very very confusing but anyway. That was my day.

Thursday 1 January 2009

A new year, a new start

So 2008 went out in a bit of a bang. 2009 is starting rather more gently.

At the moment I'm blogging from Scotland, where I feel very relaxed and laid back. I'm about to sit down and do some serious revision for the first time this holiday, which although won't be fun I'll feel better having done it. So I'm settling down back down into routine and preparing for returning to college on Monday, which shouldn't be too bad, I hope.

Anyway I should get on with some work, the blogs this week could be a bit boring, sorry.