Monday 26 January 2009

No Woman, No cry

I remember when we used to sit…

It’s odd looking back on life, the longer ago things happened the more polished the events seem to be. I always seem to remember the most random moments and I always enjoy looking back on how I’ve changed since then, I think that’s a good sign.

Observing the hypocrites as they would meet…

I think everybody is a hypocrite at times, it’s something I try to avoid, but it’s really quite hard to as no one has perfect control of how they act and what they say, it seems odd that but it’s true.

Good friends we have, good friends we lost along the way…

I have one friend I miss the most. My best mate all the way through Primary School, I’ve never had such a close mate since, well not for as long anyway. I’ve had other good mates that I’ve lost and I miss, but I have good friends now so I don’t tend to look back all that much.

In this great future, you can't forget your past;

You can do a pretty good job of it though, I think I’ve managed to prove that at times. I’ve no real reason to, my past is what it is, my past, it doesn’t define me, it doesn’t make me who I am, I guess I just don’t like looking back on some parts of it, from times when I was a very different person to who I am now.

No, woman, no cry;
No, woman, no cry.
ere, little darling, don’t shed no tears:
No, woman, no cry.

I never get why girls cry quite so much compared to lads, I guess it’s just a different way of dealing with situations, still strange how different lads and girls are though. I ain’t complaining mind you, it makes life more interesting, unpredictable.

And then Georgie would make the fire light
As it was logwood burning through the night

I love real wood fires, they have a certain quality that a radiator lacks and the smell is wonderful. Its been ages since I was sat around an open campfire, but Maura has a wood-burning stove at her house that kinda makes up for it.

Then we would cook cornmeal porridge,
Of which bits I'll share with you;

Love porridge, its fantastic, especially on those cold, winter mornings when you’ve dragged yourself out of bed its some concellation to have a nice steaming hot bowl of porridge. And well I’ve never been too keen on sharing food but I guess I’ll make exceptions to that for certain people.

Everything's gonna be all right!

I really feel like it is, =)


  1. hahahaha, I made you mention me. win =D

  2. :)

    girls cry because it's their way of coping.

    sometimes it's the only way.
