Monday 5 January 2009

Erm so yeah

Interesting stuff (not about me):

There was this girl that 2 lads liked. Another lad, who said he didn't like her, found this out and then, I'm sure this is unconnected to the other lads liking her, asked her out. She said yes and they're now going out, which I find kind of hilarious.

Different girl has asked out probably 4 lads since September, one finally said yes at some point over christmas.

Another person is gutted that their old group of mates have drifted away since they started college, I'm guessing they're one of many feeling that way, and is determined to bring them back together.

2 lads, one plays guitar and one raps but wasn't fantastic at making up lyrics, joined together and started writing songs. They added a bassist and a drummer and now are becoming moderately famous, I'm still not a big fan of their music but will support them as it'll be cool to know someone famous.

One lad who was dreading turning seventeen for a reason that I still have no idea about now seems to have accepted it and he can't wait to learn to drive.

Someone once fell in love at the seaside and now wants to take his girlfriend back to the seaside, and for some reason won't shut up about the frickin seaside.

There was once a person who had dreams to travel the world and live abroad. They went on a world tour then came back home and settled for a low pay job but they say they enjoy it so who are we to judge them.

Do you believe in love at first sight? I personally don't believe in love at first sight but first impressions can make a massive difference, as can the smallest details, you probably won't even notice them but someone else might and to them it can mean everything.

Life is what you make out of the chances you are given. The chances you are given depends on how you take earlier ones. That being true the earlier choices have a bigger impact than the later ones, so why wait?

This has been a fun set of random ramblings, I didn't want to talk about my thoughts on whats happening so these stories and abstract thoughts will do instead.

Oh yeah forgot to mention... no guessing who the people are.

1 comment:

  1. Robbies are gay, it was in time magazine; it must be true.
