Tuesday 31 March 2009

Trees and Chavs

That's all there is in Aughton. Anywhere you walk, just for a few minutes, you'll see as many trees as you care to mention and at least one group of male chavs, dressed in back hanging around either on their bikes or smoking if they're over 14.

That used to be pretty much all you saw but a new group has been added, female joggers. Aged fifteen to fifty, in various outfits, some looking like they need the exercise and others looking more like they're just showing off. I don't know if it's their latest way of socialising or there's just some health obsession going on with women in Aughton, but either way they're everywhere. I can't remember the last time I went on a walk and didn't see one of them jogging along the pavement. I ain't complaining or anything it's just weird the way the craze seems to be spreading.

The reason I mention this is that I saw atleast 3 while I was going to the dentist and coming back home again, which was an utter waste of time as far as I can tell.

I had just said goodbye to Maura and knew I was running a few minutes late, so I half-walk, half-run down the road and arrive just 2 minutes later after my appointment was supposed to start. I shouldn't have bothered. I sat there for half an hour, while other patients came and went, waiting for the dentist my appointment was with to finish with what must have been a particularly difficult patient.

Finally she came out and called my name. After some general chat about how my family was doing, she got down to the business of open wide while she pokes around. It must have taken all of 30 seconds.
"Ok that's fine, see you in 6 months."
Out I walk.

Utterly pointless, I had wasted near enough an hour getting there, back, and waiting around. Only to sit in a chair for half a minute and be told something I already had a strong suspicion of. I'm not like my brother, I don't have any particular dislike of dentists, but now I realise how much of a waste of time it actually was.

Oh well that's life.


  1. at least you didnt have a tooth taken out, a little bit left in which goes septic, and then your throat swelling up so your rushed to hospital and nearly die...and then as you're recovering you have a stroke and nearly die again...
    then a year later a heart attack during a "procedure" kills you instead...

  2. hahaha you just had to use it didn't you?

  3. 1) At least I didn´t suffer that.
    2) Yes Maura I had to use it.
    And 3) Thanks for the comment Ruth its much appreciated :)
