Tuesday 17 March 2009

It's been a bad day

For starters my beautiful girlfriend is all the way across the English Channel in sunny France. I wouldn't mind except I'm far too used to seeing her everyday and her cheering me up whenever I'm feeling down. Also I'm insanely jealous as she sounds like she's having an amazing time. I wanna be in France! :(

Just to make things worse I stopped after Chemistry today to ask my teacher if she knew anything about A*s at A2, she couldn't tell me anything I didn't know but decided to go on and tell me that my mere 93% on the last exam was cutting it a bit fine and I was slacking lately. I was not impressed.

So after that I was generally in a bad mood for the rest of the day. I spent my half free lesson before maths annoying Emma with my generally grumpiness and my lunchtime was spent at a meeting about Extended Project. After that I decided I needed a break when I got home.

So I arrive home and sit down and start playing Mass Effect (my latest obsession) but then about 20 minutes later my mum gets home, much earlier than usual and sits down in the chair next to me. Now this may not seem like a big problem but to me it's very annoying. I wouldn't mind if she wanted to talk but she just sat there on her laptop. I tried to help with one problem she was having but she eventually managed to solve that herself.

At that point I was hoping that my part was gone and she would go sit in the kitchen or the other lounge were she normally does. But no, she stayed there, clicking and typing. I decided that Mass Effect was unplayable with her sat there so I left the Xbox on, hoping she would get the hint, and went to cook my tea. But 20 minutes later she's still sat there and I don't get why, today of all days, she's decided to sit in THIS room. Honestly it's the first time in ages she's been sat in here and its infuriating me.

The ironic thing is just yesterday I was saying how I'd missed my parents since they worked so much of the time. But oh well. I'm off to hockey now so I'll take my anger out on some strikers who get too close. :-p

1 comment:

  1. your chemistry teacher is a bitch
    i was so fucked last night and ended up reading texts from you; almost killed myself getting into my loft bed too
    got to go
