Friday 20 March 2009

It's Friday!

At last.

It's been a long week. The rare bit of sunshine we've had has helped but it's still dragged on and on. Between a Biology test and my Chemistry practical exam I managed to spend some much needed time in the sun, even played some football for the first time since I left Merchants.

The only thing is, even though I've finished all my lessons and can't wait to get out of here, I still don't want to go home. It's a Friday! I don't spend time at home on Fridays but oh well. I'll probably end up going round to a mates house for a while and doing the usual kinda stuff, but there are things I'ld much rather be doing, well, one thing in particular.

Time to go I guess, try and make the most of the sunshine while its here. I'll be blogging again soon I'm sure.

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