Tuesday 31 March 2009

Trees and Chavs

That's all there is in Aughton. Anywhere you walk, just for a few minutes, you'll see as many trees as you care to mention and at least one group of male chavs, dressed in back hanging around either on their bikes or smoking if they're over 14.

That used to be pretty much all you saw but a new group has been added, female joggers. Aged fifteen to fifty, in various outfits, some looking like they need the exercise and others looking more like they're just showing off. I don't know if it's their latest way of socialising or there's just some health obsession going on with women in Aughton, but either way they're everywhere. I can't remember the last time I went on a walk and didn't see one of them jogging along the pavement. I ain't complaining or anything it's just weird the way the craze seems to be spreading.

The reason I mention this is that I saw atleast 3 while I was going to the dentist and coming back home again, which was an utter waste of time as far as I can tell.

I had just said goodbye to Maura and knew I was running a few minutes late, so I half-walk, half-run down the road and arrive just 2 minutes later after my appointment was supposed to start. I shouldn't have bothered. I sat there for half an hour, while other patients came and went, waiting for the dentist my appointment was with to finish with what must have been a particularly difficult patient.

Finally she came out and called my name. After some general chat about how my family was doing, she got down to the business of open wide while she pokes around. It must have taken all of 30 seconds.
"Ok that's fine, see you in 6 months."
Out I walk.

Utterly pointless, I had wasted near enough an hour getting there, back, and waiting around. Only to sit in a chair for half a minute and be told something I already had a strong suspicion of. I'm not like my brother, I don't have any particular dislike of dentists, but now I realise how much of a waste of time it actually was.

Oh well that's life.

Friday 20 March 2009

It's Friday!

At last.

It's been a long week. The rare bit of sunshine we've had has helped but it's still dragged on and on. Between a Biology test and my Chemistry practical exam I managed to spend some much needed time in the sun, even played some football for the first time since I left Merchants.

The only thing is, even though I've finished all my lessons and can't wait to get out of here, I still don't want to go home. It's a Friday! I don't spend time at home on Fridays but oh well. I'll probably end up going round to a mates house for a while and doing the usual kinda stuff, but there are things I'ld much rather be doing, well, one thing in particular.

Time to go I guess, try and make the most of the sunshine while its here. I'll be blogging again soon I'm sure.

Tuesday 17 March 2009

It's been a bad day

For starters my beautiful girlfriend is all the way across the English Channel in sunny France. I wouldn't mind except I'm far too used to seeing her everyday and her cheering me up whenever I'm feeling down. Also I'm insanely jealous as she sounds like she's having an amazing time. I wanna be in France! :(

Just to make things worse I stopped after Chemistry today to ask my teacher if she knew anything about A*s at A2, she couldn't tell me anything I didn't know but decided to go on and tell me that my mere 93% on the last exam was cutting it a bit fine and I was slacking lately. I was not impressed.

So after that I was generally in a bad mood for the rest of the day. I spent my half free lesson before maths annoying Emma with my generally grumpiness and my lunchtime was spent at a meeting about Extended Project. After that I decided I needed a break when I got home.

So I arrive home and sit down and start playing Mass Effect (my latest obsession) but then about 20 minutes later my mum gets home, much earlier than usual and sits down in the chair next to me. Now this may not seem like a big problem but to me it's very annoying. I wouldn't mind if she wanted to talk but she just sat there on her laptop. I tried to help with one problem she was having but she eventually managed to solve that herself.

At that point I was hoping that my part was gone and she would go sit in the kitchen or the other lounge were she normally does. But no, she stayed there, clicking and typing. I decided that Mass Effect was unplayable with her sat there so I left the Xbox on, hoping she would get the hint, and went to cook my tea. But 20 minutes later she's still sat there and I don't get why, today of all days, she's decided to sit in THIS room. Honestly it's the first time in ages she's been sat in here and its infuriating me.

The ironic thing is just yesterday I was saying how I'd missed my parents since they worked so much of the time. But oh well. I'm off to hockey now so I'll take my anger out on some strikers who get too close. :-p

Wednesday 11 March 2009


I finally completed Medieval 2: Total War, a computer game that I've been playing for a considerable amount of time since Christmas. It feels good but now I need some new obsession to waste away the excess hours I have in my day to day life.

I've considered a few things: playing Halo 3 or Call of Duty on xbox live; watching some films that I've had lying around for ages; trying to become dedicated to revision; learning a new language; or even practicing my clarinet the amount I should. I'll just have to wait and see where my time disappears to over the next few weeks.

While on the topic of victory I thought I'd mention that Man Utd, my football team of choice, are 2-0 up against Inter. Punches the air.

Anyway, back to me. Oh crap, just remembered I have my AS modules results tomorrow. That's going to be fun. I'm not worried about what I'm going to get too much, I'll only be bothered once I get them, but tomorrow is going to be a drag. Results days are nasty. Some people are literally bouncing with excitement while others are practically crying. It's always an awkward mix, and it's probably going to be even worse being stuck in college. Oh well it only happens a couple of times a year, thank goodness.

So I probably should be off for a good night's sleep now. So nanite and I'll be blogging again soon, :)

Monday 9 March 2009

Blinking in the morning sun

I woke up before six this morning, I wasn't impressed.
I'd also clearly been having quite a nice dream since I woke up kissing my pillow. (Maybe I shouldn't have told the whole world that... well the 2 and a half dust mites that read my blog, but oh well I'm sure they'll find it amusing)

After that I wasn't in the best of moods when it finally came to getting out of bed at 10 past 7. It took me a while to decide whether college was worth going to today, going won a narrow victory eventually, and I'm glad it did.

My day could only get better and it did. Lessons ran smoothly and didn't drag as much as I'd expected, plus Maura got her afternoon lesson cancelled on my free afternoon, which was an unexpected bonus.

However that meant I didn't get done my usual hour's worth of work done, so I must go do that now :(. I'll be back!

I thought I'd just add:
Apparently Guinea Pig tastes like fish. *shrugs*

Wednesday 4 March 2009


It's been a good day.
I decided that only one lesson out of three was worth attending and instead spent most of my day relaxing, which I think I needed after yesterday's trauma. I still ache all over from hockey, the bruises elsewhere are now causing me the most trouble though.

Tonight I watched a musical at college called The Last Five Years. There was a cast of 4, only 2 had lines, with piano, bass and violin backing. It was a very good performance, and I got to spend several hours with my beautiful girlfriend. Win.

I now need to go sleep and hopefully in the morning I'll feel up to going to a few more lessons.

Tuesday 3 March 2009


It's amazing how much you feel gravity as water drains away from a bath you've been lying in for the past hour.
For the reason I'd been lying in a bath. and for the reason why gravity was causing me pain you have to go back 2 hours.

1 hour and 59 minutes earlier (9:31PM)
I managed to get up and move over to the edge of the pitch before deciding that the floor was the best placed to be, looking back on it I was impressed I got that far. Cries of "Are you okay?" came from the rest of the team, stood on the 25 yard line.
"Yeah I just need a few minutes." My first answer sounded quite strong.
"You sure?"
"Ye..." My voice came out much weaker and higher pitched than I expected. "Yes, just let me lie here for a bit." I reinforced more convincingly.

So the other keeper went back in goal and they continued with the drill for a bit while I stared up past the floodlights. I kept switching from lying on my side, and suffering the physical discomfort that brought me, to lying on my back, and feeling like I was going to throw up. At the edge of my vision I could see absolute darkness with the odd patch of flashing lights. I couldn't help but wonder if I was going to pass out.

About 10 minutes later, long after the rest of the team had gone for a warm-down, I managed to stand up and stumble over to the fence, where I stood anticipating the taste of vomit that I could feel coming. It never came.

Eventually I started to take off my pads, throwing them in the general direction of my bag. I saw my Dad's car pull up into the car park and so, gradually, packed them away and zipped the bag up. I pulled the bag over to the car where my Dad through it into the boot for me.

"Are you okay?" He asked.
I explained the situation to him and he suggested a warm bath when I got home. Slowly he drove off, the speed-bumps in the driveway causing me great discomfort. 25 minutes later I arrived home and managed to get myself a drink before running a warm bath, with bubbles, that I collapsed into. For the first time in about an hour I felt comfortable, getting out was going to be interesting though.

I almost forgot:
I lined up to take on the first of the one-on-one. Boothy dribbled towards the top of the area. As he lifted his stick up to shoot I dived across, covering the goal.

Crack! He connected well with it. For a moment I saw the ball hurtling towards me.

Smack! It caught me right in the box.

That one was going to hurt.