Wednesday 25 February 2009


I'm in such a good mood, I think my mouth is starting to hurt from smiling.

It started this morning, waking up at 12 minutes past 9, knowing that other people would already be sat in lessons, it was such a good feeling.
And it just kept getting better. Turn on my speakers and this comes on:
My smile just started growing. There may have been something in my bowl of Crunchy Nut as well, I’m not sure.

The reason I got up 2 hours later than usual was that I was getting a lift in with James, so shortly after ten he turns up. I grab my bag and run out the door. 30 minutes and several great tunes later we arrive at college.

Not only did I have first lesson off but biology, my second lesson, was cancelled. So I was sat with the others in the canteen, distracting Kirsty from her maths work, while flicking through my folder.

I can’t remember how we started annoying each other but I remember from the point when I flicked her with my ruler. She flicked me back and kept the ruler. In retaliation I stole her pencil and rubber. She then started grabbing bits of my biology work and hiding them down her sleeve.

I eventually tickled her until she gave me my stuff back, but my biology was screwed up beyond any use. This wasn’t fair so I started picking apart her rubber and throwing it at her. This continued for a while her screwing up successive pieces of my work and me destroying her rubber.

My true revenge came when she suddenly realised she had missed the start of her lesson and it was now too late to go. 1-0.

Eventually we apologised and the whole thing reminded me of primary school arguments, it was quite fun.

Anyway after that little incident I went off to Chemistry and for some reason I was in a real chemistry mood. I was sharp and awake and just took everything in my stride, unable to stop asking questions.

Even D of E training at lunch, followed by an hour and a half of maths couldn’t dampen my mood. Anyway it’s now time for me to go out. I hope my mood is contagious.

Tuesday 24 February 2009


I miss being a little kid.
Life was simple back then:
No A-levels to worry about, ok I still don't really worry but college work takes up much more of my time now;
Girls had cooties, made life so much simpler, and well I didn't know what I was missing out on so I didn't care;
Making friends simply involved saying "Will you be my friend?" and there was never any complicated issues;
And Disney films were just plain amazing.

What brought this on?
Last night I watched WALL·E. It felt so good.
Sat in front of the TV, big duvet wrapped around me, watching Disney. It reminded me of the good old days when I really appreciated the wonder that is Toy Story, that was my favourite film for so many years, along with The Fox and the Hound. Damn, I miss them.

Ah well that's life, my bodies gotten older, and I've had to grow up with it. If only time was reversible, you could really appreciate life then.

Well that's life, and there are many many perks to being older I must admit but still, would be nice to be ickle again, just for a while.

Tuesday 17 February 2009


1) The meaning of Life, the Universe and Everything.
2) Full days I've been going out with Maura.
3) six times 7 (nine times six for special people)
4) Minutes past 7 that it is currently
(Okay I got bored of that so it's just random sentances from now on)
5) "The rule is perfect: in all matters of opinion our adversaries are insane." Mark Twain
6) Have you ever wondered?
7) Those who are dead are not dead, they're just living in my head (Coldplay - 42)
8) I think I must be quite sadistic, I just laughed all the way through Fight Club.
9) It's now half 11 and I'm realising this is gonna take a while.
10) This evening I realised I haven't been home alone for more than 2 hours since the Christmas holidays.
11) It's quite ridiculous, we live in this beautiful world, and yet no one ever lives long enough to see it all. What a shame.
12) "Forget but not forgive," and now I've really got to stop quoting Coldplay.
13) There are times when I wish I could just be one of those people who just lived their life and never wondered on what it all means or what they're missing out on. Surely it would be so much easier to lay back and appreciate it.
14) Ok sorry if this is starting to drag, I'm only up to number 14 and I'm fairly sure that I'm just repeating myself but rephrasing it each time.
15) What's the most beautiful thing in the world? Words on a page, a painting, maybe music, a sunrise, a still valley, a violent storm, so many possibilities.
16) Weird things, they're not normal. But who decides they're not?
17) I think that's enough questions I really should move onto something better, but I only seem to have questions.
18) "Are you an optimist?"
"I hope so."
19) Bill Bailey has got to be one of the greatest comedians of all time.
20) Watch the Marx brothers, it's pure genius from start to finish.
21) Woooah we're half way there.... you know the rest.
22) People must waste so much time sleeping, how cool would it be if we didn't have to.
23) Actually to be fair people waste enough time when they're awake as it is, we probably wouldn't put the extra hours to good use.
24) Speaking of sleep I could really do with some, I didn't get all that much last night and it's starting to get late.
25) I can't stop trying to work out what makes a person good/bad, I guess the problem is that the bad people just don't care what others think of them. (Bad makes it sound like I'm in primary school but oh well)
26) This positive/negative thing has got me hooked now. We seem to apply it to everything from the ground we stand on to every little thing inside us. The thing is it's never that simple, I guess it's just easier to look at it as black and white, it's either good or it's bad, all along one clear grey-scale.
27) Wow my ramblings have really started to become non-sensical.
28) There's something satisfying about being up past midnight, it's like you're making 2 days out of one.
29) I think there's a reason I normally keep these thoughts inside my head. I'm not crazy, honest, just different.
30) Polarization, 'tis well fun.
31) I want to live abroad at some point in my life, at least for a few years, who knows I may never come back.
32) Why is everything so temporary? Even life itself, nothing seems to last.
33) 7 deadly sins: Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy and last, but no means least, Pride.
34) "Now three things remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love."
35) Trust: Hard to form, easy to break.
36) Everything dies, but first everything lives.
37) Simplicity is beautiful.
38) Sarcasm really is the lowest form of wit, but it's still a form.
39) I always thought there was something strange about the association of love with the heart rather than the brain, but it still seems to fit better.
40) So many questions, so little time.
41) Life is just amazing.
42) 00:23, bedtime. Goodnight, and thanks for all the fish.

Thursday 12 February 2009

Heads or Tails

Ok so I thought of a title before I’d actually thought of anything to blog about, but it got me thinking about a conversation I’d had earlier in the day. It’s amazing how some things work out against the odds, well most things work out against the odds.

On the basic level there’s the whole life on Earth, one in a million chance (well one in 10 to the power of 282 according to some website I found), that’s pretty improbably in itself. It goes further, the actual probability that I would be born will be infinitely smaller than that, given the exact pairings that had to get together during the existence of life for me to have my exact genetic make-up. You get my point I exist against all odds.

But given that I am here, on earth, born on 15th July 1992, why is my life the way it is? The number of choices I’ve made along the way, it’s quite weird that it’s ended up the way it has, and this brings me back to the conversation I had earlier, sort of.

It was with my girlfriend, Maura, saying how if we hadn’t spent so long talking on MSN we might not even be going out yet. It would have been quite different if we'd only been able to speak to each other when there were people around, so I of course thought about this further and pieced together all the little things, that I remember, that had to happen so things ended up the way they are. I’m not saying if they hadn’t all happened we wouldn’t be together, but it wouldn’t have worked out in the same way it did.

So what’s my point? I’m just thankful, I guess, that things worked out the way they did, that all the little pieces fell into place for me to exist, and for my life to be the way it is. It wasn’t perfect, it still isn’t (my main complaint is that Maura lives miles away), but it’s good enough. More than that, it’s amazing. So thank you fate/God/chance, I owe you one.

Tuesday 10 February 2009

Ok so...

I would blog about how boring my day has been but, ironically, I gave that impression yesterday despite how good a day it was.
So instead I am going to write about something else... I've just got to think what.

I think I've got it.
How many places have you been?
I'm talking abroad here, over atleast one ocean; so England, Wales and Scotland don't count. Well not if you live in Great Britain.

10, I think, 10 countries I've visited.
That's not bad considering I'm only 16.

It's weird though:
By Easter I'll have been to every continent;
I've seen the wonderful Autumn colours of New Hampshire, the stunning Skyline of Manhatten, the enormous Rollercoasters of Florida, the Great Wall of China, the beauty of Paris from the Eiffel Tower, the gracefulness of Cape Town from Table Mountain and the awe-inspiring Copper Canyon in Mexico;
I've been swimming with dolphins, Paragliding in Switzerland, Parasailing in the Florida Keys, Snorkelling on the Great Barrier Reef, Skiing in the French and Austrian Alps, and Sailing in the Mediterranean;

But somehow holidays in the UK have been just as good. Venture camps at Windermere when I was in my early teens were fantastic, going to Hoylake when I was even younger was great fun, and in the last couple of years Min-Y-Don and Soul Survivor were amazing.

Anyway I was thinking about this because I was trying to choose my favourite holiday, but I honestly couldn't tell you. From the Lake District to Sydney, I've had so many good ones.

There's been a few great ones: the first year at Windermere, Orlando when I was 8, Mexico and Australia, and Menorca has got to be in there even if not for one particular year. But I have no chance of picking a favourite.

Maybe one day I will, if so I can't wait.

Monday 9 February 2009

All roads lead to Rome

Today I have spent:
12 hours in bed
2 hours 30 minutes on various buses
1 hour 45 minutes walking
1 hour watching rubbishy TV
1 hour cooking and eating
And 3 hours generally lazing about at home

(Oh and about 5 minutes counting up how long I've spent doing stuff)

Its been an excellent day.

Sunday 8 February 2009

“I’ve actually died twice”

Some people are just amazing. I’m not talking about the child geniuses or inventors or presidents, they’re amazing for what they are, not who they are. No, I’m talking about the people who just live there lives and receive no extraordinary attention, but when you look closer there really is something amazing there, inside them.

There’s the guy who didn’t let anyone tell him what to do or where to go. He dared to stand up for his own interests and lived out his own dreams.

There’s the woman who takes in different foster kids every year or so, and takes care of them, mothers them until they’re ready to move on. I don’t know why she does it, all I know is that she’s making a difference in an extraordinary way.

And there’s the girl, who’s only 16, but is still willing to give up her Saturdays to take care of old people. She’s not doing it to look good on her CV, she’s not doing it so people will think she’s a nice person, she does it out of respect and a genuine care towards the people she’s caring for.

These people don’t let other people decide what they should do. They don’t conform to peer pressure or what anyone tells them. No ones making them live this way, they just do it because of who they are, amazing people.

Friday 6 February 2009

Is it my imagination…

Or have I finally found something worth living for? (Gotta love Oasis lyrics)

It’s going good, life that is:

I’ve been going out with Maura for 4 weeks (as she pointed out today… I had to then explain the difference between four weeks and a month but oh well :P (she’s probably going to kill me for putting that on here so shhh)) and it’s been fantastic, days at college just seem to fly by now.

My mates are good as always, Trafford Centre last weekend was great fun as I mentioned, as well as playing in the snow this week and plans for half-term sound like they’re going to be good as well. Got my old crew coming round this evening as well which should be good; Poker and sweets, what could be better?

College is going well also: Maths is challenging but actually interesting at last; Chemistry is… well its Chemistry, need I say more? (For those who don’t know I’m a total Chemistry nerd); We’re playing with electricity in Physics; and I don’t hate the Biology we’re doing at the moment, which is a good sign.

In terms of family, things are quite different now my sister’s gone to South America, I’m kind of an only child now. I don’t mind it though, I can sit at home now and know that I’m not going to be bothered by her asking me to do favour (I was checking that I spelt that right and this came up: so I can actually relax now.

So all life is good, I don’t really want anything to change, and Half-Term… should be fantastic.

Wednesday 4 February 2009

Whoop Whoop

I don’t know why I’m so happy at this particular moment, I just am. It’s great.

I really should do my biology work that’s been piling up over the last week or so, but where’s the fun in that?

Instead I’m going to kick back, eat some chocolate, and relax… at least until I have to go to Orchestra.


Oh yeah just to rub that in… I have chocolate :D

Monday 2 February 2009


I had an amazing weekend:

Friday night I watched some strangers steal a pint of my girlfriends blood but they gave us tea afterwards so that’s ok. Then we (me and Maura… not the the strangers) went out for a meal afterwards. All in all a very good evening.

Then Saturday me and my mates from college went to the Trafford Centre for Becky’s birthday. After an hour or so of shopping and such like, we went to play 2 games of Laserquest.

The first game we were mixed into 2 teams with some random kids and it was fun, although I was on the losing side, but the second game was just hilarious. All of us lot (16 and 17 year olds) got put on one team against a bunch of little kids (7 and 8 year olds I guess). Whoever decided to do that was being very mean on the kids.
At the start most of my team were stood on the upper floor sniping the kids from above, while I ran around shooting them all in the back as they searched hopelessly for where we all were.
Eventually they found us and after the guy who worked there (nicknamed hero) joined in to even the odds it was a closer game. I still kicked ass though :P.

After that we went and ate some good old junk food in the food court, before heading home. I got a lift with Becky’s parents as far as Jess’ house in Mawdesley, where I had arranged for my parents to pick me up. I started wondering after being sat at Jess’ house for near enough an hour where my lift home had got to.

It turned out that my Dad had the wrong house name (it appears that in Mawdesley house numbers haven’t been invented yet) and so had spent close enough to half an hour driving up and down this road, knocking on random doors, and asking if I was there. Whoops.
But eventually he found me and I got home highly amused.

Sunday, I had a good lazy day. I did at talk at Revive in the morning, which didn’t seem to go too badly, and then just sat around all afternoon and did nothing.

And Today:

It Snowed!!!!

It was awesome. I ended up only having one lesson thanks to teachers not being in and instead of lessons I got to push Kirsty, Mike and Steph into the snow. I ended up a bit wet and cold but it was great fun!