Wednesday 27 May 2009

2 weeks

I've just realised how long it's been since I last did a blog, I would blame exam pressure and how busy my life is at the moment, but that would be a load of rubbish. The fact is I'm on exam leave and making the most of my days off mainly by sitting around and doing... nothing really. At least by leaving it 2 weeks I should have some interesting things to say, that's if I can remember anything.

Between completing several games of Civilisation 4 I have managed to find time to revise for and sit a couple of exams, maths and physics. Physics was 6 days ago and was an interesting experience. I had to guess my way through it, more than usual, but everybody else said it was impossible so I still have hope. Maths, last friday, ran as smoothly as every maths exam seem to does, lucky for some hey :P.

I have managed to have a life outside of exams as well. I was at a party about ten days ago with quite a lot of people I don't know. I survived by not getting too drunk while most other people seemed to be drinking until they no longer could and chatting to the more sober ones. I had a nice walk round Aughton while on my way home via 4 other people's houses and on the whole it was quite a fun night.

The next day I played hockey on a hangover for the first time, which was made more interesting by me playing outfield for the first time in 3 years. It was great fun though, even if we did come 5th out of 6, and at the awards evening afterwards I got to stuff myself with pizza and laugh as my captain got really quite drunk.

Then there was my first week of real exams as mentioned above. The fun really started after my maths exam. Ok so some people are going to call me crazy for thinking that this weekend was fun, but it really was. Starts off straight after my exam, after a quick run round college checking what other people thought of the exam, reassuring them they'd done fine etc. etc., I get in the car and my dad drives us up to carlisle.

We stop twice on the way so my dad can pick up his cups of coffee and I can get some food down me before the hard day ahead. Eventually we left the M6 near Carlisle and headed along the road that runs along side Hadrian's Wall. It started off hilly, then got worse. I got more and more anxious as we drove along the road, losing my stomach every couple of minutes as we went over another crest, and getting especially worried as the road took a definate downhill direction. This was going to be an interesting day.

Eventually about 20 miles along the road we met the group of cyclists we had been looking for. I unloaded my bike from the back of the car, put my helmet, shades and gloves on and followed the cyclists up the hill while my dad unloaded my stuff from the car into the minibus that was our support vehicle for the weekend.

I'm going to have to break the rest up into individual entries for each day, otherwise this is going to go on for page after page, and you'll get bored quite quickly so watch this space.

It didn't do much did it. :P

Thursday 14 May 2009

WWJKD (What would James Kirk Do?)

It's been a good day, it's been a good week.

After the doss that is general studies on monday I spent a very enjoyable tuesday at Maura's. Wednesday was spent "revising", I'm not quite sure what happened to it, and today was just great.

I got woken up ridiculously early by my parents again, they're determined that I will start working before 9, and refuse to listen to my arguements that that's earlier than college starts. I did do some work but soon inspiration faded and I started off on the hour long journey to Kirsty's a bit early. After stopping by Morrison's to buy a 50p pack of Jaffa Cakes (bargain) I got the bus without hassel and was only slightly later than I had guessed arriving at Kirsty's.

We spent an hour or so talking, catching up with gossip since I'd not been in college for a whole 3 days, we set off for Wigan. McDonald's was the first port of call where we met up with the others and got lunch. Double cheeseburger and a Big Mac meal, that's what I'm talking about! Then headed off to the cinema via Asda to get more snacks.

Star Trek was awesome, I know I sound like such a geek saying that but it was fantastic in my opinion. After that we all headed home. I got back on my bus just before it started to rain. It still hasn't stopped.

Now normally rain is no big deal but I had a half hour walk from bus stop to my home ahead of me. At some point I decided just screw it I'll get wet, and I did. But there was something brilliant about deciding just screw it. My whole attitude changed, I couldn't give a damn about anything, at all. The best thing was nothing could worsen my mood, which would have probably seemed terrible to anyone I bumped into, just because I didn't care. I was prepared to ignore anything I didn't like, or couldn't be bothered dealing with, and just get on with the things I did like. I kinda hope it sticks.

Saturday 9 May 2009

Float on

I had my first serious revision session today for my summer AS modules, it's maybe a bit late to get started since my first exam is monday (it's general studies though and that so doesn't count) but better late than never.

I think I might actually be going crazy, I'm kinda enjoying it. All my notes are in very pretty colours and my music gets gradually louder as I turn it up when yet another amazing song comes on. However I still can't keep at it for very long, my brain just runs out of energy to put the words on the page. I got about an hour done.

Speaking of lack of energy, I've cycled to college 5 times now. It's about 14 miles each way according to google maps, takes me between an hour and 1 hour 15 minutes. The first time I got a little bit lost on the way, but cleverly left myself plenty of time anticipating such problems. By about the third attempt I'd found my final route.

The most recent journey went less smoothly however. I was on my way up to bed, still unsure whether to cycle the next day or not, and as I was saying goodnight to my parents (like a good little boy :-P) I spotted the weather forcast on tv. I waited for a couple of minutes to see how the next day was going to pan out before heading up to bed. The prediction was dry but windy. I hate wind when I'm cycling, so I decided that if it looked as bad as predicted in the morning I'd get the bus.

I woke up the next day and it was as calm as I am before a general studies exam (ridiculously). So I packed my rucksack, unchained my bike, and headed off. I made it to college in record time, one hour dead, so had plenty of time for my shower before physics despite setting off ten minutes late. Or I would have had if the changing rooms had been open. As it turned out I ended up making do with a spray of deodorant and getting changed in the toilets.

Turns out the weather forcast isn't always wrong, and the wind picked up during the day. I wasn't too worried. From my previous experiences it hindered on the way there and helped on the way home. That wasn't the case that day though.

I got out of biology 10 minutes early and was out the college car park before the queue formed by the exit. I made it up the mahussive hill not far from college and was speeding down the far side. Well I should have been. Even with the steep slope that typically took me 10 minutes on the way there and 2 minutes on the way home, I was going suprising slowly. The air was whistling through my ears, but my wheels were barely moving.


It was going to be a long ride home.

By the time I'd made it through Skem I was ready to throw my bike on a bus and take the easy way home. Unfortunately there were none. By the time I got to Long Lane, the last stretch before I reach home, I was pratically swearing at the wind and seriously considering sitting in a ditch by the road and waiting for the wind to drop.

One hour 20 minutes I made it in, normally the home journey's quicker since it's mainly downhill. I lost the race against the bus, which I've actually won once, by miles, literally.

Since then it's been a good weekend though. I've finished all my AS lessons, I'll never have to pay attention in Biology EVER again, had a very enjoyable evening last night and a fun day of procrastination today. As always the real work will start tomorrow. I wish.